General support, inquiries, and course-specific questions: support@boforbesyoga.com

When you purchase one of our courses we offer you ‘lifetime access’ to all course materials.  This means everything (course videos, transcripts, supplementary materials, webinars, etc) are yours to download, keep, and continue to reference for as long as you like.  This does not mean that Embodied Awareness will house these materials indefinitely, nor guarantee you access to the course site indefinitely.  You must download and store whatever content you wish to have permanently.Free or mini course content is not available for download

Time limits and deadlines are course-specific.  We encourage you to work at your own pace and to communicate your learning goals with our team.  Please let us know if you plan to take an extended leave of absence from working on a course.YMNB: No time limit.

YEB:  course closes 12/31/18

Shake the System: course closes 9/10/18

We do not guarantee that a course with no time limit will be offered indefinitely.

Please note: If you are working towards the certificate of completion and planning to apply for CE’s, the Yoga Alliance and APA do have guidelines for how long you may take to complete a training and still qualify.

YMNB consists of:

  • 16 classes
  • group discussion forum
  • live webinars
  • pod work
  • final test

Each lesson contains:

  • A 90-minute video
  • Discussion questions for response in the class forum
  • An “Explore Further” section with supplementary material
  • A “Practice Toolkit” section with a summary of the practices from the lesson, photos, and tutorials
  • A “Body Play” section with practice homework and reflection questions for your personal practice journal (private, you don’t turn this in)
  • A “Teacher’s Corner” with tips for teachers
  • Lesson Quiz (100% pass rate required to move on to the next lesson)

Completion of each lesson and full participation in each course component is required to qualify for the certificate of completion.

  • Yoga for Emotional Balance by Bo Forbes
  • Round bolster
  • Rectangular bolster
  • Four blankets
  • Eye pillow
  • Two yoga blocks
  • Yoga mat
  • Two tennis balls or Yoga Tune Up Balls
  • Journal or Notebook (to use as your personal practice journal)
  • Download Zoom the video chat service we use to host Webinars
  • External storage device (USB, external hard drive, etc to store course materials)

* Our recommended retailer for props, and the one we feature in Yoga for Emotional Balance, is Manduka (US and EU). Participants in this course may use the code “FORBES20” for 20% off.

To complete a lesson you must watch the full video, complete each of the lesson topics (be sure to click “MARK COMPLETE” at the bottom of each topic page), post to the forum, and pass the lesson quiz with 100%.  You will not be able to take a lesson quiz without passing the previous one with 100%.
Live webinars, hosted by Bo or other senior teachers, occur regularly throughout the year. They provide additional content or a deeper dives into course material. Students are encouraged to attend live when their schedules permit.  If you cannot attend, each webinar is recorded and the videos are posted to the course site for you to catch up on later. Webinars are an opportunity to engage live with your learning community, ask questions, discuss, and experience guided practices.  We often use webinar to prompt pod work and forum discussions. You’ll need to Download Zoom to join the conversation.  Webinars are announced on the course site and via email one week in advance. Webinar participation is required for the certificate of completion.
We believe that modern contemplative practices such as yoga and mindfulness are tools for engagement and transformation on personal, relational, and collective levels. For this to be so, we must practice not simply in relationship to self, but in relationship with others. We believe that Pod work is essential to your experience and to achieving the vision of this course.
The 100 hour Certificate of Completion is for those who take both a 3 day, in-person immersion and the online course.


  • The online course must be purchased within 7 days after the conclusion of the in-person immersion. Alternatively, if the online course (YMNB) is purchased before the in-person immersion, it can be purchased only 30 days prior to the immersion (with some exceptions).

Completion of each lesson, full participation in each course component, and a passing grade of 85% or higher on the final test is required to qualify for the certificate of completion.

CE credits available:

  • 18 contact hours for in-person immersion (6 hours/day x 3 days)
  • 56 non-contact hours for the online coursework
  • 26 non- contact hours for participation in webinars and pod work

Please inform our staff with whom you plan to apply for CEs as there are different requirements for different regulatory bodies.

*Please note: CE requirements are ultimately determined by the regulatory body (Yoga Alliance, APA, IAYt, etc) and these determinations change frequently. To be as accurate as possible, we ask that you double-check with the regulatory body with whom you are engaged to determine final eligibility of hours. We recommend that you keep written communications archived for easy access.

We do not offer refunds for the online courses.
Our educational materials are available for you to download and keep as part of enrolling in the course.  We are happy to have you repost, share and use some of the content (especially from our YouTube channel) for your students’ educational benefit.  However, if you do so or use them in your own training of students, please honor the copyright and reference Bo’s work.