
The Therapeutic Alliance + the Inflammatory Effects of Projective Identification

1 Class

Projective Identification is a psychological defense mechanism in which sensations and emotions so intense as to unravel someone- think rage, shame, despair, envy, or self-hatred- are forced into someone else (a therapist, teacher, healer, or loved one) without warning or awareness. Unprocessed, it can leave us metabolizing other people’s most difficult feelings and sensations- often indefinitely.

In this class, we explore:

  • what projective identification is, how it works, who’s most vulnerable to it
  • How it plays out in different relationships
  • why it’s so important for healthcare professionals to identify it and counter it

We explore how yoga, mindfulness, and body-based practices can help us combat this defense, remaining free to metabolize only what’s ours and discard what isn’t.

Learning Objective:

Participants will understand four key elements of the emerging science of embodiment as they relate to body image, as well as describe the social context of body image.